Started as our attempt to keep friends and family updated on our remodelling project. Revisited in Oct 2013 to be a spot for thoughts about transitions in life.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Today was my last day at a location I've worked for 3 years, a client I've worked with for 7 and a city I've worked in for 20+. I don't think my mind has wrapped around that I've cleaned out my desk, that I will not be going back to it. Ever. That on Monday I am going to a different office, in a different state, for a different client, in a different role, not to visit or work in for 2 weeks, but to stay. As clever as my brain is, it just can't truly grasp it. I get that I won't be working with the same folks, and the sadness that comes with it. But The New just isn't sinking in. Perhaps I should keep track of these thoughts that are popping into my head. Waking up this useless, self stroking old "blog" may be the spot. I scooted out while people important to me were in a meeting. On purpose. And perhaps pissing some folks off. There were probably a couple people that wanted a hug or a chance at goodbye. But I had said my goodbyes over a week ago when I told them I was moving on. And then individually over the time since. And I'm back in a few days for a meeting and anniversary celebration - which I hope does not become about me. So there will be more goodbyes then. I don't want to do this twice. Once is enough. I have a problem with parting. Maybe some will understand.

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If you've found this spot then you already know me or you have way too much time on your curious hands.
